Laboratoire Huckert’S International SPRL

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Detergent and disinfectant – Class IIb medical device – Disinfection Procedure Step 2: High level disinfection

UMONIUM38® INSTRUMENTS lifts organic dirt and decontaminates a broad spectrum of treated material. Fast-acting, this soaking solution eradicates even the most resistant strains of hospital germs in a realistic contact time (10 minutes). This excellent product ensures an ultra-performance disinfection and guarantees surgical, gleaming medical instruments. No danger of corrosion for the instrumentation. Formula without any CMR or endocrine disrupting substance.

Concentrated solution to be diluted to 0.5% (cleaning) or 2.5% (disinfection) for manual application (soaking + brushing) or in an ultrasonic bath.
CAPACITY : 1L of concentrate makes up 200L of diluted solution (0.5%).

PACKAGING : 1L and 5L.

SPECTRUM OF ACTIVITY :Bactericide, fungicide, mycobactericide and virucide.

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