
Toxic Software by Larcier-Intersentia

A propos

In a world of increasing regulation (tax, law, compliance, …), your tasks as a professional are getting more and more complex, and your customers more and more demanding.

At Larcier-Intersentia, we see things differently: we believe that the more complex the situation is, the more opportunities are given to you to show your expertise and skills and to take advantage of the circumstances.

Our goal is to show you how much potential there is beyond complex regulations, processes and requirements, so that you can make the most of it!

Larcier-Intersentia introduced Toxic Software as a specialized solution tailored towards safety and environment professionals in the workplace. The objective behind developing this innovative tool was to address the growing need for comprehensive, user-friendly resources to handle chemical products securely. By leveraging Toxic Software, professionals can proactively manage risks, ensuring workplace safety through a holistic understanding of their chemical inventory and their regulations.

The added value of Toxic Software lies in its ability to streamline product registration processes, providing professionals with in-depth insights into their chemicals. This not only ensures secure handling but also offers access to valuable resources such as articles on hazardous substance management and regulatory updates. Toxic Software empowers safety and environment experts to confidently assess risks, implement necessary safety measures, and maintain secure working environments and compliance across organizations of all sizes, thereby transforming challenges into opportunities for growth and success.


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